Are you dealing with a Critical Injury and need Legal Assistance? We can help.


Often called the “invisible injury”, a traumatic brain injury is nonetheless a very serious matter that can have serious consequences for victims and their families. A person afflicted with a closed head injury may suffer at work, home, socially and in interpersonal relationships because of sudden personality changes. Memory loss, cognitive difficulties, fatigue, temperament changes and a decline in the senses are just some of the common signs of a closed head injury.

A closed head injury most often results when there is a blow to the head in a car accident or fall. A brain injury can occur without an obvious injury to the skull. The brain can be hurt if it is subjected to severe forces such as being thrown back and forth. This can occur in a car crash or a slip and fall.

Early intervention with appropriate rehabilitation efforts are crucial to alleviating the effects of a traumatic closed head injury. On behalf of our clients, we strive to arrange funding through accident benefits or other available insurance for important treatment steps such as cognitive remediation programs. Whether mild, moderate, or severe, we have the experience and commitment necessary to prove even the most difficult brain injury. The changes to a brain injured victim may be subtle and difficult to prove – which requires a higher level of evidence. A traumatic brain injured victim and his treatment providers can use neuropsychological testing, SPECT scans, MRIs and other investigative techniques to provide information for proving a head injury and its consequences.

Our experience in representing traumatic brain injury victims allows us to understand and appreciate the consequences of such a serious injury, and motivates us to do all we can to obtain full compensation for these clients.

Given the impact that a brain injury can have on an individual’s life, it is essential to retain qualified legal counsel to protect one’s rights and obtain full compensation for all losses.


We provide a powerful voice for those who have suffered from a serious injury. Our team of lawyers and staff are experienced in dealing with critical injuries. Time may be a factor, as time limitations could possibly affect your right to make a claim, so speak with a trusted lawyer as soon as possible. At Lee & Associates, we are always here to help. Feel free to call us anytime at 416-782-8168 for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.


Are you dealing with a Critical Injury and need Legal Assistance? We can help.

Often called the “invisible injury”, a traumatic brain injury is nonetheless a very serious matter that can have serious consequences for victims and their families. A person afflicted with a closed head injury may suffer at work, home, socially and in interpersonal relationships because of sudden personality changes. Memory loss, cognitive difficulties, fatigue, temperament changes and a decline in the senses are just some of the common signs of a closed head injury.

A closed head injury most often results when there is a blow to the head in a car accident or fall. A brain injury can occur without an obvious injury to the skull. The brain can be hurt if it is subjected to severe forces such as being thrown back and forth. This can occur in a car crash or a slip and fall.

Early intervention with appropriate rehabilitation efforts are crucial to alleviating the effects of a traumatic closed head injury. On behalf of our clients, we strive to arrange funding through accident benefits or other available insurance for important treatment steps such as cognitive remediation programs. Whether mild, moderate, or severe, we have the experience and commitment necessary to prove even the most difficult brain injury. The changes to a brain injured victim may be subtle and difficult to prove – which requires a higher level of evidence. A traumatic brain injured victim and his treatment providers can use neuropsychological testing, SPECT scans, MRIs and other investigative techniques to provide information for proving a head injury and its consequences.

Our experience in representing traumatic brain injury victims allows us to understand and appreciate the consequences of such a serious injury, and motivates us to do all we can to obtain full compensation for these clients.

Given the impact that a brain injury can have on an individual’s life, it is essential to retain qualified legal counsel to protect one’s rights and obtain full compensation for all losses.


We provide a powerful voice for those who have suffered from a serious injury. Our team of lawyers and staff are experienced in dealing with critical injuries. Time may be a factor, as time limitations could possibly affect your right to make a claim, so speak with a trusted lawyer as soon as possible. At Lee & Associates, we are always here to help. Feel free to call us anytime at 416-782-8168 for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.


Did you know that time limitations may affect your right to make a claim?

Consult with one of our lawyers today to receive a free, no obligation consultation. And remember, you never pay fees until we settle your claim!

Call (416) 782-8168


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